Problem Definition:
CloudConnect periodically updates its Virtual Machine Template Images, including the preinstalled Citrix software components. Customers need these updates or upgrades to receive bug fixes and the latest features, which improve the remote computing experience.
Except for Microsoft Software components, which are updated based on your configuration preferences, the Citrix software and other core software components distributed by CloudConnect do not have an automatic or upgrade mechanism. Additionally, upgrades can be invasive to end users, so it is important that they be rolled out as part of a planned per-organization process.
CloudConnect distributes Remote Desktop Services configuration updates and Citrix Server-Side software upgrades through CloudConnect's Desktop Host Configuration Utility. To install the latest CloudConnect-supported upgrades for RDS and Citrix features, run the latest release of the Desktop Host Configuration Utility on the Virtual Machine Console of the Desktop Host that you would like to upgrade. The Desktop Host Configuration Utility is made available as an ISO Image file in the vCloud Director Public Catalog. The following procedure below details the full update process.
Note: If Citrix XenApp 6.5 is installed in Programs and features, then prior to running DesktopConfig, you must first run UpgradePrep (available in the vCloud Catalog). DesktopConfig will alert you to this if you attempt to run it on a Desktop Host where XenApp 6.5 is installed.
Note: Do not run DesktopConfig on a virtual machine that is configured to perform windows server functions only. Do not run DesktopConfig on a Domain Controller. DesktopConfig should only be run on a Virtual Machine configured as a Remote Desktop Session Host or Citrix XenApp Desktop Server.
Prior to beginning this procedure, make sure all Citrix or RDS Desktop Users are logged out of their Cloud Desktops.
Access the Organization’s corresponding vApp container for which you would like to Upgrade.
Choose the Organization Desktop Host that you would like to upgrade. Right Click and Choose Create Snapshot. This will create an instant rollback point if the Upgrade fails.
Make sure “Quiesce guest file system” is selected. You do not need to Snapshot the memory of the virtual machine.
Do not proceed until you have verified that a snapshot has been created successfully, as shown here:
Once the snapshot has finished creating successfully, right click on the Virtual Machine (Desktop Host) you wish to upgrade and choose “Insert CD/DVD from Catalog.”
Choose the Most Recent Version of DesktopConfig. You may need to search for it as there are many ISO images in the Catalogs:
After inserting the CD/DVD, you may need to Refresh the screen to escape out of the “Busy” display status:
Right Click on the Virtual Machine and choose “Pop Out Console”
Send CTRL+ALT+DEL using the Button in the Top Right Hand Corner of the Console:
Sign in as a Domain Administrator:
Run the Desktop Config Media from the DVD Drive, visible in Windows Explorer:
Click OK at the Welcome Dialogue:
Note: You may be prompted to reboot the system and then rerun the Utility. If that is the case, make sure you re-run the Utility after reboot. Do not create a new snapshot before running the utility a second time.
Select the Active Directory Security Group or Groups whom you wish to authorize to access this system. If you are unsure, check the Remote Desktop Users Local Security Group on the system.
Generally you will not change any of the Desktop Options as selected. If you are using Citrix, leave “Use an Existing Remote Desktop Deployment” unchecked:
If you see this Dialog Box, choose “Keep AppLocker’s existing configuration.”
If prompted with the following screen, make sure you Check the Box to “Upgrade the Citrix Virtual Desktop Agent.” Leave the other options checked.
If Upgrading the Citrix Virtual Desktop Agent, the process may take up to 15 minutes and only a Blue PowerShell window will display. Do not close this PowerShell window. Please be patient.
When prompted, restart the system:
Note: It may take up to 10 minutes for users to be able to logon to their virtual desktops after the system reboots. Once you have verified users are able to logon, remove the snapshot. You may keep the snapshot for up to 24 hours. However, user Desktop performance will degrade if the snapshot is held longer than 24 hours:
Additional Information:
If the Upgrade fails, take the following action:
1) Collect Logfiles located at C:\CloudConnect\DesktopConfig\
2) Open a Low Priority Support Ticket case with CloudConnect Technical Support, and attach your log files.
3) Rollback the upgrade by choosing "Revert To Snapshot" from the Virtual Machine's context menu.
4) Power On the Virtual Machine.
5) If users still cannot logon within 15 minutes of Powering On the Virtual machine after Reverting the Snapshot, escalate your Technical Support Request's Severity to Service Outage.
The CloudConnect Desktop Configuration Utility upgrades Remote Desktop Services and Citrix software components to the latest Cloudconnect-supported Configuration. Desktop Configuration Utility does not upgrade the Windows Operating System. For guidance on upgrading the Microsoft Windows Operating System in place, see CloudConnect Upgrade Preparation Utility.
Applies To:
Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Services 2008R2, Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Services 2012 R2, Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Services 2016, Citrix XenApp & XenDesktop 7.X