
This article will detail how to deploy a Citrix Desktop on CloudConnect. To deploy a Citrix Desktop this way, you will need to have a Domain Controller in either a PrivateDomain or an mspCloud architecture. Citrix Desktops are superior to traditional Virtual Machines because instead of using the standard RDP protocol, Citrix Desktops instead use the ICA protocol. 

CloudConnect streamlines the processes of deployment, provisioning, and management of infrastructure to simplify the responsibilities for the IT provider. Using utilities found in the CloudConnect catalog, even a level 1 technical representative can utilize the full power of a Citrix and VMware-backed Cloud solution.


Log in to your vCloud Director instance using an administrator account. 


Navigate to the Domain Controller for the domain you'd like to provision a new Citrix Desktop on.

Under "Actions", select "Insert Media".

Search for and select the utility "DesktopDeploymentWizard", and click "Insert".

Note: Always use the most recent version of DesktopDeploymentWizard.


Open either a Web Console or a VMRC to access the VM, and open the File Explorer and navigate to the utility.

Run the utility, and follow the on-screen prompts.

Select the container to deploy the VM in, name it, and choose the Operating System your new Virtual Machine will be running.

Choose which features you'd like your new VM to have, and choose the Storage Policy to be associated with the VM, and click Deploy!

As the VM is deployed, feel free to create user accounts if you need to. This setup phase will take about 20 minutes.

Once the setup is complete, you should see the VM in the container you specified. From here, you can configure the VM further if you need to.

Lastly, remove the utility from the Virtual Machine.

Congratulations, you're done!

Additional Information:

If you have any questions, or run into any issues following this procedure, please submit a support ticket.