Problem Definition:
When launching a Zoom meeting from a Citrix session (virtual machine), the user's webcam is not detected by Zoom.
Zoom does not use the native webcam redirection capability in Citrix. Zoom has designed its own workstation plugin and Virtual Machine client software to handle webcam redirection.
1. On the Virtual Machine, verify the Citrix Virtual Delivery Agent is at least version 19.12. The Virtual Delivery Agent version is visible in the Control Panel. Programs & Features. It is also sometimes called the Virtual Desktop Agent. If the Virtual Delivery Agent is not at least version 19.12, see Upgrade a Citrix Server Configuration to the Latest CloudConnect Baseline.
2. Uninstall any Zoom software on the Virtual Machine.
3. From the Virtual Machine, download and install the Zoom VDI Client package. The download is available here.
4. On the user's Mac, PC, or Workstation, verify that the webcam is functional and that any necessary webcam drivers are installed. The Citrix Workspace App must be installed on the user's Mac, PC, or workstation. If the user is using Citrix Receiver, uninstall that software, and replace it with the Citrix Workspace App. For a Windows PC, we recommend Citrix Workspace App Long Term Service Release. For Mac, just use the Current Release. When installing Workspace App, do NOT enable App Protection. This will prevent the Webcam from passing through.
5. On the user's Mac, PC, or Workstation, install the Zoom Plugin for Citrix. The download is available, here. If the user is using a Mac, the Mac OS Version must be at least 10.14.
6. Launch the user's Virtual Desktop and test Zoom. When launching the Virtual Desktop from StoreFront, if prompted do NOT choose "Use Light Version," always use the Full Version. Using the Light Version will render the Virtual Desktop session using HTML and bypass the Citrix Workspace App. HTML does not support webcam redirection.
Additional Information:
The VDA on the Virtual Machine must be upgraded to Citrix Apps & Desktops 1912. To upgrade the virtual machine, see Upgrade a Citrix Server Configuration to the Latest CloudConnect Baseline. The Citrix Workspace App on the user's PC or workstation should be the latest Citrix Workspace App, do not use Citrix Receiver. When installing Citrix Workspace on the user's PC or workstation, do not enable App Protection as this will block the webcam.
Troubleshooting Tips
Make sure that the version of the Zoom Plugin for Citrix on the workstation matches the version of the Zoom Client installed on the Virtual Machine. A mismatch between plugin and client version may prevent the webcam from passing through.
If the user is still having trouble after installing the client plugin and the appropriate version on the VDA, make sure the user is NOT inadvertently using the HTML (light version) of Citrix Workspace. The Light Version of Citrix Workspace is not compatible.
If the webcam still does not work, then App Protection may be enabled on the Citrix Workspace App on the user's PC or Mac. The simplest way to rule this out is to uninstall Workspace, then reinstall Workspace and make sure you do not enable the App Protection feature when reinstalling.
Applies To: